Thursday, July 28, 2005

Neon Green Banana Hammock

So, Jesse and I just got back from a Salzburgian (not quite sure what people from Salzburg are called) pool complex. One of the great things about Europe is that every one has a great body image and everyone wears a bikini- even the dudes. Tall, fat, short, skinny, 25 or 65 it doesn't really matter here. It is kind of nice not to feel that you have to be Hilton-skinny (although not Hilton-skanky) to walk around in a bikini. For example some guy was letting it all hang out in a neon green banana hammock (also known as Speedo), the likes of which I haven´t seen since my last trip to LaBear`s. We also got to see the buttcrack of a 40-something mother as she strutted her stuff in an itsy-bitsy bikini that would fit most 5 year-olds. Unfortunately, Jesse hasn´t got to see as many hooters as he would like! I guess you can´t have it all...

Anyways, we are on our way to Berlin tonight which is pretty exciting. I hope at least the AC on the train will work this time! We hope all is well at home. The trip is quickly coming to an end which is both exciting and sad. We miss you all very much!

Meghan & JeSSe


At July 28, 2005 at 5:30 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Hey Guys, just got back from Vegas, was going to tell you that my skydive took my breath away, but after reading your latest, well,(enough said) He He, it's great hearing about your travels and it looks like you two will survive!! About that sword Jess?? Hope you and the sword make it home, hopefully at the same time!!!!He He Love you guys, Mom & Dad


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