Howdy from the Swiss Alps!
Just a little message from Jesse and I that all is well, luckily London was not on the itenerary. The news is a shock for us, we just found out today, and sympathize with the citizens of the UK. Anywho, the Alps are great and we will be updating the blog as soon as we can. We miss you all, hope every one had a happy 4th of July and watched some great fireworks for us. Please keep emailing us and leaving us messages on the blog (messages left on the blog are public so beware!). We have not heard from nearly enough of you! The web address is www.agsineurope.blogspot.com and you should check it every few days for current entries (yes, these are instructions for the apparently non-computer savvy members of my family).
Meghan & JeSSe
PS- none of you would like Switzerland, so I guess Jesse and I will have to keep it for ourselves!!!
Happy Travels!
Meghan & Jesse
Meghan & Jesse
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SOOOO Jealous!! You know how I loved Switzerland!! Have a great time for me!!
Miss you guys!
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